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Number Group Title
LAB1204 Labour Complaint form - Genetic Testing
LAB1206 Labour Employer's Annual Harassment and Violence Occurrence Report (EAHVOR)
LAB1073 Labour Attending Physician's Report of Accident
LAB1210 Labour Employment statement required under the Canada Labour Code, Part III
LAB1179 Dispute Resolution Notice of Dispute and Request for Conciliation Assistance under the Canada Labour Code, Part 1, Section 71, (R.S.C., 1985, c. L-2)
LAB1182 Dispute Resolution Request for the appointment of an arbitrator under the Canada Labour Code, Part I, Section 57(4), (R.S.C., 1985, c. L-2)
LAB1071 Injury Compensation Merchant Seamen Compensation Act - Surgeon's Final Report
LAB1072 Injury Compensation Merchant Seamen Compensation Act - Surgeon's Report of Death
LAB1075 Injury Compensation Supervisor's Report of Accident
LAB1076 Injury Compensation Inmate's Application for Compensation
LAB1077 Injury Compensation Animal - Related Accident Questionnaire
LAB1079 Injury Compensation Assault - Related Incident Questionnaire
LAB1080 Injury Compensation Vehicle - Related Accident Questionnaire
LAB1082 Injury Compensation Loss of Income Form
LAB1085 Injury Compensation Merchant Seaman Compensation Act - Report of Accident and Claim
LAB1086 Injury Compensation Merchant Seaman Compensation Act - Statement of Employer - Fatal Case
LAB1087 Injury Compensation Merchant Seamen Compensation Act - Claim - Dependant
LAB1088 Injury Compensation Merchant Seamen Compensation Act - Surgeon's First Report
LAB1155 Injury Compensation Product Liability Related Accident Questionnaire
LAB1185 Injury Compensation iNICS Subscriber Enrollment Form
LAB1192 Injury Compensation Election to Claim Under the Government Employees Compensation Act (GECA) – Rights Against the Third Party
LAB1078 Injury Compensation Property - Related Accident Questionnaire
LAB1191 Injury Compensation Third Party Claim - What you need to know
EMP5596 Workplace Equity Concept Paper Template
LAB1198 Workplace Equity Form 1 - Employer Identification, Report Summary and Certificate of Accuracy (Employment Equity Forms 2021)
LAB1199A Workplace Equity Form 2A – Occupational Groups: Permanent Full-Time Employees (Employment Equity Forms 2021)
LAB1199B Workplace Equity Form 2B – Occupational Groups: Permanent Part-Time Employees (Employment Equity Forms 2021)
LAB1199C Workplace Equity Form 2C – Occupational Groups: Temporary Employees (Employment Equity Forms 2021)
LAB1199D Workplace Equity Form 2D – Occupational Groups: Permanent Full-time Employees (Employment Equity Forms 2021)
LAB1199E Workplace Equity Form 2E – Occupational Groups: Permanent Part-Time Employees (Employment Equity Forms 2021)
LAB1199F Workplace Equity Form 2F – Occupational Groups: Temporary Employees (Employment Equity Forms 2021)
LAB1199G Workplace Equity Form 2G – Occupational Groups: All Employees (Employment Equity Forms 2021)
LAB1202A Workplace Equity Form 5A – Employees Promoted: Permanent Full-Time (Employment Equity Forms 2021)
LAB1202B Workplace Equity Form 5B – Employees Promoted: Permanent Part-Time (Employment Equity Forms 2021)
LAB1203A Workplace Equity Form 6A – Employees Terminated: Permanent Full-time (Employment Equity Forms 2021)
LAB1203B Workplace Equity Form 6B - Employees Terminated: Permanent Part-time (Employment Equity Forms 2021)
LAB1200A Workplace Equity Form 3A – Salary Summary: Permanent Full-Time Employees (Employment Equity Forms 2021)
LAB1200B Workplace Equity Form 3B – Salary Summary: Permanent Part-time Employees (Employment Equity Forms 2021)
LAB1201A Workplace Equity Form 4A – Employees Hired: Permanent Full-time (Employment Equity Forms 2021
LAB1201B Workplace Equity Form 4B – Employees Hired: Permanent Part-Time (Employment Equity Forms 2021)
LAB1200C Workplace Equity Form 3C – Salary Summary: Temporary Employees (Employment Equity Forms 2021)
LAB1207 Workplace Equity Authorization Form to Access the Workplace Equity Information Management System (WEIMS)
LAB1208 Workplace Equity Narrative Report
LAB1215 Workplace Equity Agreement to Implement Employment Equity
LAB1183 Labour Standards Request for a Review of a Rejected Complaint
LAB1186 Labour Standards Application for Permit – Hours in Excess of Maximum hours of work
LAB1188 Labour Standards Complaint Form - Monetary and Non-monetary, Road Transport (Trucking)
LAB1189 Labour Standards Complaint Form – Monetary and Non-Monetary
LAB1190 Labour Standards Complaint Form - Unjust Dismissal
LAB1196 Labour Standards Report to the Head of Compliance and Enforcement Pursuant to Subsection 175 (5) of the Canada Labour Code, Part III
ESDC-LAB1197 Labour Standards Notice to the Head of Compliance and Enforcement of a group termination of employment and request for waiver under the Canada Labour Code, part III
LAB1205 Labour Standards Student Internship Agreement as per Section 3 of the Standards for Work Integrated Learning Activities Regulation
LAB1214 Labour Standards Statement of Benefits on Termination required under the Canada Labour Code, Part III
LAB1009 Occupational Health and Safety Employer’s Annual Hazardous Occurrence Report (Regular/Offboard)
LAB1058 Occupational Health and Safety Work Place Committee Report
LAB1060 Occupational Health and Safety Complaint Registration - Occupational Health and Safety
LAB1069 Occupational Health and Safety Refusal to Work Registration
LAB1070 Occupational Health and Safety Hazardous Occurrence Investigation Report (Canada Occupational Safety and Health Regulations, Section 15.8)
LAB1159 Occupational Health and Safety Validation of an Existing Safety and Health Committee, Application for
LAB1184 Occupational Health and Safety Workplace Investigation Reports on Refusal to Work
LAB1195 Occupational Health and Safety Employer’s Annual Hazardous Occurrence Report (On-board)
EMP5452 Wage Earner Protection Program WEPP - Consent to Communicate information to an Authorized Person
EMP5453 Wage Earner Protection Program WEPP - Appointment of Representative
EMP5456 Wage Earner Protection Program Wage Earner Protection Program (WEPP) - Request for Review by Minister